Available Buildings/Properties

311 W. Mill St., Plainville

Arnhold’s Furniture was a mainstay of downtown Plainville for over 50 years. The owner is looking to sell the existing business. The two buildings could either be purchased or leased. Call owner Wes Bjornstad at 785-737-6065 or Contact Roger Hrabe at 785-425-6881 for details.

201 S. Jefferson St., Plainville

The former Cleaners in Plainville is available for sale. Building includes steel building attached and is located in the downtown business district.  Contact the owner, Ravason LLC at 100 SW 9th Street, Plainville, KS  67663-3501.  Contact Roger Hrabe at 785-425-6881 for more details.

409 Main St., Stockton

The former Cindy Lou's building in Stockton is available for sale.  Former restaurant and retail space, with an upstairs available for housing renovation.  The building is owned by Main Street Development, Inc.  Contact MSD at P.O. Box 24 or call Roger Hrabe at 785-425-6881. 

Stockton Mexican Restaurant

The former Los Arcos Mexican Restaurant in Stockton is for sale.  Locally owned.  Call Carlos at 785-772-5063

424 Main Street, Stockton

The former Baxter Bait & Tackle building located at 424 Main Street in Stockton is available for sale or rent.  Contact Bruce Krob at 785-635-0175.

801 S. Washington, Plainville

Second generation retail space available for sale or sublease.  Freestanding building with signage.  Great location and visibility.  Large concrete parking lot. Contact Weigand Commercial at 316-262-6400 or online at www.WeigandCommercial.com