Rooks County E-Community Loan Program

A partnership project of

For the entire area of the county of Rooks, including the towns of: Damar, Palco, Stockton, Plainville, Woodston, and Zurich.

Background & Eligible Projects

The Rooks County E-Communities program was created through a Kansas Center for Entrepreneurship Tax Credit Program in 2015. It is a project instituted through the Rooks County Economic Development (RCED) office and administrated through NetWork Kansas to encourage and develop entrepreneurial activity within Rooks County.

Eligible projects include startup businesses, business transfers of ownership, or existing business expansions.

Low-interest loans and community development grants will be offered through the fund. Loans with a low interest rate are the most common funding tool.

How the E-Community Fund Works

Assume the applicant needs a total of $60,000. Of the $60,000, the E-Community can provide no more than 60% (with a maximum of $50,000 total loan to any applicant).   The E-Community cannot provide funding without a funding partner or combination of funding partners such as a financial institution or community funding source (i.e. local banks, utility loan fund, Pioneer Country Development Inc.)   Members of the E-Community team can help entrepreneurs and small business owners locate and work with those Network Kansas partners to assist in providing the matching amount.

Application Details

Applicants are required to complete the attached application in full. Applicants are also encouraged to consider including the following documents for the E-Communities Financial Committee in order to have a more thorough understanding of the business project:

  • A complete business plan with a one-year cash flow
  • Financial reports and/or a bank financial application
  • Resumes and references for owners in the business
  • Employment and investment projections
  • Matching fund avenue possibilities and/or commitments for matching funds

Applicants requiring assistance completing the application or supplying recommended attachments are encouraged to contact the Rooks County Economic Development office.

Contact Us

Application Review & Interview

Applications will be reviewed and scored by the Rooks County E-Communities Financial Committee. A formal interview will be arranged with the applicant during a regular meeting. Applicants should expect specific questions pertaining to the following criteria:

  • Applicant’s need for funding and planned uses of funds
  • Projected sales and employment
  • Matching funds from Network Kansas Partners
  • Additional funding from personal investment as well as public and private sources
  • Local support of the project through the cooperation of organizations and community leaders
  • Involvement of Network Kansas resource partners in the project
  • Description of how the funds will add resources, add jobs, increase tax revenue, and/or the community benefits of the project.

Review Criteria & Process

The Rooks County E-Communities Financial Committee is charged with making decisions in regard to the applications and funding. The E-Communities Financial Committee will review on-time and complete applications. Once an applicant receives preliminary approval from the local Rooks County E-Communities Financial Committee, the project paperwork will be given to NetWork Kansas for approval.

Applicants who have been denied funding will be provided a list of comments and recommendations that can be addressed. Revised applications may be submitted to the review board after 30 days from the initial presentation of the application.

NetWork Kansas will provide administrative support to the Rooks County E-Communities Fund Program and will supply 

Initial information about the business will also be provided. Per requirement by the E-Communities program, information regarding all businesses that access the E-Communities Fund will be tracked using the Network Kansas Business Trakker software database. Semi-annual follow-up can be expected by a Network Kansas Counselor.